Sandboxing is security mechanism which is used in computer security. Sandboxing technology main purpose is to separate system failures or software vulnerabilities from spreading and execute untested or untrusted programs or code, possibly from unverified or untrusted third parties, suppliers, users or websites, without risking harm to the host machine or Operating System.
Common Example of sandboxing is Online Programming compiler Like
A sandbox typically provides a tightly controlled set of resources for guest programs to run in, such as scratch space on disk and memory. Network access, the ability to inspect the host system or read from input devices are usually disallowed or heavily restricted.
Scratch space is space on the hard disk drive that is dedicated for only temporary storage.
It cannot be used to permanently back up files.
Scratch disks can be set to erase all data at regular intervals so that the disk space is left free for future use.
The management of scratch disk space is typically dynamic, occurring when needed.
A sandbox is implemented by executing the software in a restricted operating system environment, thus controlling the resources (for example, file descriptors, memory, file system space, etc.) that a process may use.It provides an extra layer of security that prevents malware or harmful applications from negatively affecting your system.