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Health Care App

Writer's picture: Codersarts AI Codersarts AI

Problem taken into consideration:

The main problem in these times of COVID-19 is the connection of doctors with the patients remotely and having a seamless experience in the healthcare setup which can store your data as well as give some analysis for better risk analysis. You can be in need of advice at any moment thus there is a need of 24*7 availability for advice.

Market Research :

Market research states that there are applications which store the prescription and tests in the pdf format, but the analysis of the regularized patients tests such as blood pressure and blood sugar levels etc. is still done manually which can be harmful in the long term. The need to save this data digitally is very important. This can be done by a simple application which is having a link with the blood pressure monitoring devise as well as the sugar level monitoring devise. This is just the beginning as many people are having low level of oxygen and should keep a track of when the levels decrease or increase. This can be done in this application


Features :

  • Login Page

Inside the login page we have created login with email and password when user enter email and correct password then user is able to logged in otherwise user not able to login into this app .

  • Home Page

Inside the home page we are able to create toolbar. inside the toolbar we have created for explore and money and by clicking on to the person icon user will go to the form page and in home page we have created the 4 card like consultation, ordering, Booking ,Recording

  • Navigation Page

Inside navigation we have created the header which get the profile information like name, profile, Edit, and status, and navigation we have a features like appointment, Test Booking, Orders, Consultation, My Doctor, Medical Record, Reminders, Payment cash,

  • Profile Page

Inside the profile page we have a back button, your health profile

and three tabs like

  • Personal

Inside personal we have created card view for name and profile

below we have created user information

  • Medical

  • Life Style

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