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Codersarts AI
1 min read
How to implement Crud Operation using Django framework ? Add, Delete and Edit record in Models.
Are you have any stuff with Python and Django framework ? Codersarts provide better code through highly well experienced developer or...

Codersarts AI
2 min read
How to create Django Model ? | Create Model and insert Object data using Django Shell
What is model in django ? A model is a class that represents table or collection in our DB, and where every attribute of the class is a...

Codersarts AI
2 min read
How to add static files in django projects | How to add 'html' files and static(js,css,imag
To add static files(css, js files, images) some basic changes are made in django files as per given below code files: First we create...

Codersarts AI
6 min read
Python Assignment help using Django framework
What is Python Django Framework? Django is Python Framework which is used to create web development project . It’s quick & easy to get up...
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