English to French Translation Flask Application
The English to French Translation Flask Application utilizes the OpenAPI API to access the ChatGPT model for accurate and contextually appropriate translations. It provides users with a user-friendly interface to input English sentences and receive their corresponding French translations. The application supports batch translations and allows users to copy or download the translated text.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Language Translation
This project focuses on the development of a Flask application that utilizes the OpenAPI API to access the ChatGPT model for translating English text into French. The application provides users with a simple interface to input English sentences and receive their corresponding French translations.
The English to French Translation Flask Application is designed to facilitate the translation of English text into French using the power of the ChatGPT model. The application leverages the OpenAPI API to interact with the ChatGPT model and obtain accurate and contextually appropriate translations.
The Flask framework is employed to build the web application, providing a user-friendly interface for users to interact with. The application allows users to input English sentences that need to be translated. Once the input is submitted, the application sends the text to the OpenAPI API, which in turn queries the ChatGPT model for the translation.
Upon receiving the translation from the ChatGPT model, the application displays the corresponding French translation to the user. Users can easily copy the translated text or download it for future use. The application also provides the option to translate multiple sentences at once, allowing for efficient batch translations.
Programming Language:
Flask, OpenAI, Request, BootStrap